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Honoring Faithfulness through

Dominion and UBWMU Life Membership

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What is Dominion Life Membership and UBWMU Life Membership?


The Dominion Life Membership

is given by Canadian Baptist Women to show appreciation and recognition of an individual's support, interest and involvement in Canadian Baptist missions. It is symbolic of unity and purpose for Canadian Baptist Women and may be given to any member of a Baptist church within Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM).



The UBWMU Life Membership  

is given by Atlantic Baptist Women to show appreciation and recognition of an individual's support, interest and involvement in the mission of the UBWMU/ABW. 


A special contribution over and above regular offerings is given to the regional organization (ABW in Atlantic Canada).   


  • Dominion Life Membership certificate only (without Pin)  -  $125.00  

  • Dominion Life Membership certificate and Pin  -  $125.00 for membership + $62.00 for the pin. 


  • UBWMU Life Membership certificate  -  $35.00. 

  • UBWMU Life Membership Pin  -  $10.00  


These items may be ordered through your Atlantic Baptist Women's provincial treasurers. Contact information may be found in the complete version of the ABW Program Resource Booklet that was emailed to your group. If your group did not receive the complete version of the ABW Program Resource Booklet, please contact the ABW Office. 

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