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The Story Behind the Picture 

Rev. Laura Sherwood

My devotional is a little different this month.  Really, it's about putting 'feet' to your missions. I volunteer at our local Foodbank each month - and I had my eyes and heart opened by one specific family.  


This family has a fun, caring practice around their big gatherings like birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

They place a decorated mason jar in the center of their food table and encourage young and old to express their appreciation with a donation to the jar for their abundant blessings.   The young children may donate a dime or a quarter - the amount doesn't matter - they all know their blessings turned into coins and currency will bless others at the Foodbank!


I was so blessed to receive this donation at our local Foodbank - not because of the amount but because of the practice, the teaching, for their concrete expression of thankfulness.


Really, one of our mission fields is very much where our feet tread on this road less travelled. I would love to receive your emails ( about how you are putting feet to your local mission field. I can't wait to hear from you!


Proverbs 19:17 - Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.


Galatians 2:10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.

This article was published in our November 2024 Impact On-line Newsletter. I (Sylvia) felt it needed to be shared with a wider audience. Used here with permission.



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